Welcome to Woodland Forrest
WoOdland Forrest is a great place to live in Tuscaloosa
Since 1993, the Woodland Forrest Association of Homeowners has been working to keep our neighborhood beautiful and to maintain and improve property value. WFAH maintains and improves neighborhood entryways and common areas, awards Yard of the Month, provides Welcome Baskets for new neighbors, and organizes Good Neighbors Clean Up days and other events to foster community. The WFAH also provides our neighborhood with a voice in City Hall.
Connect with your neighbors on Facebook and Nextdoor.
The WFAH is governed by a board, elected from membership. Membership is only $40 annually per household. An annual meeting is held each year, usually in February.
2022 Board Members
Jim Dittman, President
Andrea Glover, Vice-President
Joan Barth, Secretary
Bob Lundell, Treasurer
Lyle Aitken
Debbie Brenner
Mary Beth Bueno
Jarod Colburn
Bernice Ellis-Edwards
Jennifer & Wade Feltman
Pat Goggans
Donald Hall
Jack Jecen
Elisa Johnson
Stephanie Malley
Usha Midkiff